Monday 20 September 2010

Oh how could I have deserted you my blog!

It may appear to some tat I have been totally slack and not up to much but I assure you good readers (if indeed there are any of you out there), that I have been turning over the stitches and moving on with the knitting projects as well as cycling up a storm.  I have also been working - yup that ole 4-letter word again but hey, it pays the bills and there's been a lot of those lately as well.
I hereby promise to post a little more often - maybe once a month even - and update you all on the movements Chez Harrow.  You will hear for instance of my acquiring clippy type cycling shoes for my birthday and of the spectacular fall - no speed involved - just a sideways OMG-I'm-going-over-splat type fall that has both my knees looking like one of those hand-dyed fibre plaits - purple, green tinged with yellow and there's a hint of blue-black as well.  Ouch!
I have also finished stuff - THE BLACK LACE for one and the Featherweight Cardigan for another.  Also several assorted shawls, scarves and hats some of which have gone to recipients of swap parcels and some that will be appearing at the Perth Royal Show (more on that later when I know how that's worked!) 
Went to the Australia Sheep and Wool Show for my birthday with a couple of knitting friends to meet many other of my knitting, spinning, dyeing and various other fibrey craft type friends (courtesy of the Rav).  It was an absolute blast and I'd go again in a heartbeat.  You can tell from these pictures how much fun it was and that was just dinner!
Anyhow - must be going to get some sleep so's I can get up in the morning and do it all again in preparation for next time....yaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwnnnnn!  Nighty, night!

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